Mixed Renewable Gas Unit
Commitment to renewable energy to consolidate developments in biomethane and biogas and expand its scope with the generation of green hydrogen and syngas
The Consolidation of the Mixed Renewable Gas Unit, promoted by Naturgy Nuevas Energías, EDAR Bens S.A. and EnergyLab, is focused on strengthening the developments made on biogas and biomethane, and expanding the technical scope with the generation of green hydrogen and syngas, as well as evaluating its impact on current infrastructures and final consumers.
The project is funded by the European Union in the framework of the Operational Program FEDER Galicia 2014-2020, and co-financed by the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN) – Vicepresidencia Primera y Consellería de Economía, Industria e Innovación de la Xunta de Galicia.
Waste valorization
Technological Centre
Five lines of research were developed within the project:
- The improvement in biogas production through co-digestion and nutrient recovery.
- The generation of green hydrogen through the electrolysis of water by means of PEM and alkaline technology, whose energy is obtained by water turbination.
- Biohydrogen production through dark fermentation.
- The gasification of sewage sludge to obtain bio-syngas (synthesis biogas).
- And the study of the impact of the use of different renewable gases and their mixtures from the point of view of injection into the gas grid and their use in stationary and mobile applications (vehicles).
The Joint Unit represents an important showcase for promoting energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, mainly in the area of wastewater treatment. Its concepts can also be applied in the food industry or in the agro-livestock sector. All of them share the capacity to generate biogas, biomethane, bio-hydrogen or syngas thanks to the valorization of some of their organic wastes, being able to turn what was previously a problem into a new energy resource (renewable gases) for their exploitation.