Located in Vigo since its inception, and on the University Campus of Vigo since 1994, ANFACO-CECOPESCA plays a prominent role as a driving force in the seafood industry and advocates for its interests before national, European, and international administrations, multilateral organizations, and all kinds of entities.
Likewise, it provides its associated companies and clients with services that facilitate their development and enhance their competitiveness: R&D+i, quality and food safety, specialized consulting, training, technical assistance, international cooperation, and more.
To achieve this, among its facilities, it has two technological buildings with a constructed area of 7,200 square meters, where the Center for Advanced Research Technologies for the Marine and Food Industry (CYTMA) stands out.
ANFACO-CECOPESCA is a unique organization within the sea-industry complex that actively advocates for the interests of its members and develops high-value solutions in the pursuit of their business competitiveness.
Roberto Alonso
General Secretary at Anfaco Cecopesca
Roberto Alonso
Secretario General de Anfaco Cecopesca
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